Clergy-Spouse Retreats

Clergy wives in similar life stages and ministry settings will stay in a lovely, spacious beachfront home on the Isle of Palms just outside of Charleston, South Carolina. While enjoying the beauty of the coast, participants can allow themselves to disconnect from the responsibilities of life and engage with the Lord and one another for the purpose of gaining clarity on identity, gifting and calling and being equipped for all God has for them. The structure of the week is a regular rhythm of prayer and worship, solitude, peer-to-peer interaction, rest and recreation including a downtown tour of Charleston, a boat tour, kayaking, bicycling, and sitting or walking on the beach. Prayer ministry and coaching will be available as well.

Participant Reflections

  • I arrived road weary. These beautiful humble servants removed my sandals and set about washing my spiritual feet.  My spirit was so tenderly cared for, encouraged, and nurtured that I felt a transformation take place… rather like the old shaker tune…”to turn, turn will be our delight till we come round right”. Some situations in my spirit were turned, through reflection and prayer, to a much better place. I am most grateful for this time and place.  I leave refreshed and renewed, I felt heard and understood, two powerful tools for transformation. Thank you. The word I love most in the ALI goals is humble.  Thank you for humbly being you, serving out of love and passion, and furthering the faith through nurturing this population. - Cinde

  • This whole week has just felt like a lavish gift from God… and I think some of it had to do with the lavish nature of the care of the three leaders, the beauty of the place, the meals provided lovingly, etc.  This kind of pouring out feels familiar in ways to me, but we are the ones typically doing the pouring out!  To be on the receiving end has been a gift I can’t quite describe and it’s made space for God to speak to places in me that were buried or forgotten.  Thank you, thank you for all you poured into this.  I feel different than when I arrived.  I am different.  I think in years to come I will look back on this time as a milestone… when God showed up in power and did a new work. To God be the Glory, I pray! - Mandy

  • This ALI Clergy Wives trip was God’s answer to many prayers for me. I have asked him to help me slow down and listen during a very fast paced needy season of ministry and I have found it difficult to slow down on my own.  I have asked for godly community outside our parish and I now have sprouted new relationships that I have great hope for – relationships that will shape and inform my own faith and discipleship.  I’ve also been praying for better sleep and I had four nights in a row of the best sleep I’ve had in years.  These few days was filled with His heart – joy, laughter, tears, sobering things to pray and consider and an extraordinary amount of time to sit quietly with Jesus and listen to Him.  These few days have been a pivotal place of growth for me in a season of fatigue and doubt. I feel restoration beginning hope dawning and a sense of grounding more firmly and deeply in what I tell everybody else but recently have been struggling to grasp myself – His deep and abiding love and help for me and His hope of our life together. - Catherine

  • The beautiful leadership, the delicious meals, the flowers, the table time, the video clips, and scripture and questions all worked together to create a much needed pause in my ministry to rest, to be loved, to be welcomed as I am (mess and all) and to hear from my Heavenly Father. Thank you Molly, Louise, and Elizabeth for all you have done.  I needed it, I feel like I am going back to St. Andrews encouraged and built up with a clear vision of where I’ve been and where I’m going! - Kimberly

  • As women, wives, mothers and especially clergy wives we often don’t take time to properly care for ourselves.  This weekend provided us the opportunity to be ministered to, rest, and be restored in the company of other wives who share many of our same challenges and experiences. - Lauren